SG55 10-Day Challenge (Workout Edition)
Registration is no longer available. Thank you.
- For more information about this event, please visit: SG55 10-Day Challenge (Workout Edition) @ JustRunLah!.
- Join more virtual challenges here.
Event Info
General information
We are celebrating Singapore’s 55th National Day and are you game?
This is SG55 10-Day Challenge comprising of push-up, burpee and sit-up with each workout counting to the symbolic number 55. You must be wondering, why 10-day? Simply put, it is 5+5 for we are 55.
It’s Singapore’s 55th birthday on 9 August 2020, let’s do it for our beloved Singapore!
Key milestones
Registration starts: 28 May 2020
Registration ends: 30 June 2020
Challenge starts: 7 July 2020
Challenge ends: 16 July 2020
Kickstart your workout challenge
In this challenge, just choose one exercise type to kickstart your workout followed by another different type on the second day and rotate the exercise on each day. That said, it is one workout a day for the next 10 days. For each workout a day, you’ll earn one star and when the 10-day challenge is finally concluded, you’ll earn the accolade to be named ‘Star Challenger’.
Go the extra mile
The adrenaline-driven ones can go the extra mile by attempting all three different workouts in a day to earn 3 stars for 10 consecutive days to be named ‘Superstar Challenger’ as bragging rights. Continuity is key and therefore, daily submission for 10 days is needed.
Bonus Workout
Participants who completed the challenge will be invited for an online mass work out of the 3 exercises on 8 Aug 2020.
Submit your proof
Submission of a video showing you doing the 55-repetition for each workout is proof and it is based on honesty as the best policy. Participants need to submit a low-res video clip of each completed workout to the given link before 2300 hours on each day for the next 10 days and upon successful verification, star or stars will be awarded accordingly. You can view your performance on the activity dashboard.
Track your progress
A dashboard will be updated on a daily basis where you will get to see your current performance during the 10-day challenge. Daunting it may look for some but definitely doable for many if you set your heart and soul into it. You do not need to do 55-repetition in one go but you can always take a few short breaks until you reach 55 times. Star Challenger or Superstar Challenger, you are already a shining star just like the five beckoning stars on Singapore’s flag.
Get your reward
The exquisite design of SG55 10-Day Challenge medal has the proud icon of Singapore, the famed Merlion where all participants will earn one upon successful completion of the challenge. You will also receive a nice e-certificate upon completion of the challenge.
Event available in: Singapore
Entitlements ship from: Singapore
Important dates
- Registration has closed:
- Event period:
7 July 2020 until 16 July 2020
You can upload any sessions done within this period, regardless the date of your registration. - Upload closes: 27 July 2020
- Shipping starts on: 1 August 2020
Categories and Fees
- Virtual
- Workout
- Push-Up
- Burpee
- Sit-Up
Add-on Limited Edition T-Shirt: S$9.90
Add-on Limited Edition National Day 3-ply re-usable mask: S$12.90
* Early bird discount until 15 June 2020
** Prices excludes 6% of payment gateway and processing fee
- One-off
- Cumulative
What is a Virtual Challenge?
A virtual challenge is a race that you can complete at your own pace and time.Virtual challenge works exactly the same as any other type of sports events (e.g. running or cycling) but the difference is that the entered race can be completed at any location, either outdoors or indoors on a machine.
All you have to do is register for a race and provide evidence that you have done it. The evidence can be a screenshot of your running/fitness app, a photo of the machine screen etc. Do check out specific instructions of the event you join for more information.
Virtual races are a great way to stay fit and active all year round, run for good causes and get awesome medals and other entitlements for your participation!
Runner's entitlements
- Finisher Medal
- e-Certificate
- Limited edition tee @ S$9.90 for add-on
- Limited edition National Day 3-ply re-usable mask @ S$12.90 for add-on
Event apparel
Limited edition tee @ S$9.90 for add-on
Finisher medals
Other entitlements
Limited edition National Day 3-ply re-usable mask @ S$12.90 for add-on
Uploading has closed.
You can contact the organiser at: [email protected]
Thank you.
What should I do after I have signed up?
You can get ready to kickstart your first workout on 7 July 2020 for the 10 days. And you can choose either push-up, burpee or sit-up to start your first challenge. Your second day challenge has to be different from the first day which you can rotate around.
Must I do 55-repetition continuously in one workout?
If your current physical condition can allow you to do 55-repetition in one go, please go for it. Otherwise, you can do it in a few parts. You can take a breather and then continue. As long it adds up to 55, it will be counted. You will pause on video for a break and resume when you are able to continue. You can take a longer rest before resuming and all is done, proceed to submit your video clip to us.
If I skip a day during the 10-day challenge, what will happen?
Though it is a 10-day challenge, we understand sometimes you may have personal reasons to skip a day. However, you will need to submit two different workouts (one for the missing day and the other is for the current day) to be able to continue to earn the maximum number of stars awarded to you.
What are considered proper workouts?
We will have a short video link which demonstrates the proper way for each workout without you getting injured. Please follow the instructions from the coach below.
How do you ensure the authenticity of each submitted workout?
Honesty is always the best policy and we expect our participants to abide by that too. We do check on the submitted video clips and if we find any discrepancy, we reserve the right not to award any star or stars to the concerned participant. Our decision remains final.
When do I receive the medal after completing the 10-day challenge?
If all goes well, the medal will be posted out from 1 August 2020 and before Singapore’s National Day on 9 August 2020.