Around Singapore in 60 Days

Registration is no longer available. Thank you.
- For more information about this event, please visit: Around Singapore in 60 Days @ JustRunLah!.
- Join more virtual challenges here.
Event Info
General information
- Crystal Medal for completing 25 or more checkpoints
- 5 lucky teams to win S$100 vouchers per team, for completing all 31 checkpoints
- 1 lucky team to win S$50 voucher, for conquering the rarest checkpoint visited
- Post your team photo with any of the checkpoints, and hashtag with #AroundSG60Days, on Facebook or Instagram, and stand a chance to win S$50 vouchers per team (5 sets to be won!)
Entitlements Collection
Tracked Shipping
– Entitlements for all 4 participants will be sent to the Team Leader’s address
– Shipping fee of S$12 applies
Date: 7 February 2021
Time: 2pm to 6pm
Venue: Hwi Yoh CC, Multi-Purpose Hall, 535 Serangoon North Ave 4, Singapore 550535
Event available in: Singapore
Entitlements ship from: Singapore
Thank you for your interest. The event is sold out.
Important dates
- Registration has closed:
- Event period:
2 December 2020 until 30 January 2021
You can upload any sessions done within this period, regardless the date of your registration. - Upload closes: 31 January 2021
- Shipping starts on: 7 February 2021
Categories and Fees
- Virtual
- Visit 31 Designated Checkpoints
* Additional shipping fee applies if you opt for mailing of entitlements
- Geo-based
Runner's entitlements
- Towel
- Crossbody bag
- Crystal Medal only for teams who completed 25 or more checkpoints
Finisher medals
Crystal Medal only for teams who completed 25 or more checkpoints
Other entitlements
Uploading has closed.
You can contact the organiser at: [email protected]
Thank you.
1. What am I entitled to after registering?
– Four x cross body bag and Four x towel
2. Can I change my team members in between the events?
– No. The team photos taken need to have the same team members for the entire submission.
3. Can I have less than four team members in a team?
– Yes. However do be informed that the registration and entitlements are based on fixed headcount of four. We do encourage you to form your team of four and explore together.
4. Can I have more than four team members in a team?
– Yes. However do be informed that the registration and entitlements are based on fixed headcount of four. We do encourage you to form your team of four and explore together.
5. Do I get four Finisher medals if my team is less than or more than four team members?
– No. Four Finisher Medals are awarded to each team regardless of the number of team members you have formed. Do note that Finisher medals are only awarded to teams completing 25 or more Checkpoints.
Eg. If there are only three team members in a team, four medals are being awarded. If there are five team members in a team, only four medals are awarded.
6. Can I change my team name after registration?
– No. The Team name used during registration is final.
7. Can we change members after registration?
– No. Team Leader has to confirm their members commitment before registration. The team photos taken during the events need to have the same team members for the entire submission.
8. Can I have backup members?
– No. Team Leader and members have to be consistent. The team photos taken during the events need to have the same team members for the entire submission.
9. What if my team members drop out?
– Team Leader and members have to stay committed throughout the events till completion. If there are any unforeseen circumstances, do contact the event organizer for their instruction or alternative.
10. What if my team member is missing in the photos?
– Team Leader and members have to commit throughout events till completion. Team Leaders have to be responsible to ensure their members’ schedules on attempting the Checkpoints together. Health and safety is more important, do not attempt the checkpoint if any of the members are sick
11. Are there any age limits?
– Any participants below the age of 16 need to have at least 1 adult in the team preferably as Team Leader. No maximum age limit as long as participants are healthy and able to travel long distances.
12. What are Checkpoints?
– Checkpoints are location or landmark provided around Singapore and all team members need to travel together to the specific location stated as Checkpoints. Team photos are to be taken as evidence of visiting the Checkpoints as a team.
13. How should we get to each of the Checkpoints?
– There is no restriction on how you would like to get to the Checkpoints. We would encourage you to explore the Checkpoints to get to know more about Singapore. Note: some Checkpoints do have operating opening and closing hours.
14. How do I know where those Checkpoints are?
– Information of the Checkpoints and its location will be released to registered team leaders one day before the event starts date.
15. What do we do when we reach the Checkpoints?
– All team members will need to take a wefie / team photo together with the designated Checkpoint icon. Kindly refer to the Checkpoint Sheet for the icon to be included in the wefie/ team photo. All team members need to be included in the wefie/ team photo as evidence of visiting the checkpoint together.
16. What is the wefie/team photo requirement to be taken?
– All team members and the designated Checkpoint icons must appear in one wefie/team photo. Kindly refer to the Checkpoint Sheet for the icon to be included in the wefie/team photo. The organiser will have the rights to void any suspicious photos against the checkpoint submitted.
17. What if the wefie/team photo has passerby in it?
– All team members and the designated Checkpoint icons appearing in one wefie/team photo will be valid.
18. The Checkpoint is missing or not accessible.
– All Checkpoints are validated as at 1st Nov 2020. You should be able to locate the checkpoint with ease and/or from help from the information provided in google map. Any unforeseen changes with regards to the Checkpoint will be updated accordingly and be aware that some Checkpoints do have operating opening and closing hours.
19. What do we do with the wefie/ team photos of the Checkpoints?
– You may upload the wefie/ team photo to the provided internet platform for submission of your Checkpoint. Upload platforms will be released to registered team leaders before the event starts. Do note that each team will only need to submit once for each Checkpoint by team leader.
20. How do we upload to the provided internet platform?
– Each team will receive an unique submission code via email upon registration. Team leader will have to use the link provided to upload wefie/team photo accordingly to the checkpoint number into the Internet platform. Do note that each team will only need to submit once for each Checkpoint by team leader.
21. How do we know that the upload is successful?
– Team leaders will receive a confirmation email after each Checkpoint has been uploaded for submission. Do ensure the correct Checkpoint number matches your uploaded wefie/team photo. The organiser will have the rights to void any suspicious photos against the checkpoint submitted.
22. Can we upload more than once for the same Checkpoint?
– Yes, the latest upload will overwrite and consider the final submission before the due date.
23. Do I have to complete all the Checkpoints?
– No. You are not required to complete all Checkpoints but encouraged to complete as many checkpoint as possible within the period. Please note that the Finisher medal is only awarded to teams that completed Twenty-Five Checkpoints and lucky draws are only for teams that complete ALL Checkpoints. (5 sets of $100 vouchers per team to be won)
24. What do you mean by “1 Lucky team to win $50 vouchers for the least visited Checkpoint”?
– After the event submission closes, the organising community will consolidate the visitation rate of all the Checkpoints. The Checkpoint with the lowest visitation rate is “the least visited Checkpoint”. We will pick a lucky team that has visited “the least visited Checkpoint”.
25. How do I participate in the facebook/ instagram contest?
– Post your wefie/ team photo with the designated Checkpoints in Facebook or Instagram using the Hashtag #AroundSG60days and tag @tampinescentralcsc @jalankayucsc @singaporeadventure and stand a chance to win in the lucky draw. (5 sets of $50 vouchers per team to be won)
26. Are there other prizes during the events?
– Yes. Stay tuned and organiser will broadcast to the Team Leader.
27. Important Points to note
– Certain checkpoint locations will have opening and closing hours, please plan to visit early in order not to miss the photo taking opportunity.
– Participants are to take full responsibility for their health and safety when visiting the Checkpoints. Kindly ensure that you are fit to complete the event.
– Participants are to wear a mask when visiting the Checkpoints.
– Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable attire and shoes when visiting the Checkpoints.
– All successful registration is final. No refund will be given after registration is completed.